Friday, February 17, 2012

Welcome to AnacroTEK Services!

This is our first blog post and it also corresponds to our first item for sale on Marketplace for Secondlife.

The New Multiple Roleplay HUD is now up for purchase on Marketplace.  Or if your prefer you can go to Souzou Eien in world and buy it from the vendor there.

Here is some general information for the Multiple Roleplay HUD.

The Multiple Roleplay HUD is a more advanced version of my Multiline Title RolerPlayers HUD which is marketed under Chani Ashbourne on Marketplace.  The old version is still up for sale on Marketplace and in world at Souzou Eien. 

Where the Mulltine Title RP HUD only lets you store one character's information, the Multiple RP HUD lets you store up to 9 separate characters.

You can quickly switch between characters with the a few simple clicks.

The Multiple RP HUD also has the ability to roll dice.  You can select from 8 different Die and roll up to 9 of the selected Die.

You can also use the Multiple RP HUD as an RP Tool (RP Chatter).  You can speak in your character's voice or you can even shout or whisper.  You can also use the RP Tool to disguise who is speaking by using the Mystery Emote voice.

For detailed instructions click the link on the right side under User Manuals for the Multiple Roleplay HUD.


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